Thursday, January 22, 2009

Update Time

So many pictures so little time. I'm going to do my best to get caught up in the next few days so watch out. Posts may not be in any kind of chronological or sensical order, but at least it's something, right?

Here are a few photos from Christmas.

Cousins. All boys. All happy.

Well, maybe not all happy.

"Really, like can we be done now?"

"There, there... were those big boys bothering you?"

Gray, Chase, and Preston Christmas morning with their stockings full.

Chase gets a book/game

Gray gets a Star Wars yo-yo

Time to open Preston's gift from Santa

Wee! It's a Wii!

Rampa gave Preston a cool truck

Chase got a box of junk... which turned out to be his pin-striping

kit from Grandma and Grandpa

Gray sports some Texas pride

The older boys give Preston a huge box of

Rescue Hero toys

Best gift ever... Green Bags!

Or is this the best gift ever? Rock Band!

Not the Rock Band game...

"Sorry boys, it was out of stock"

Major disappoinment...

Just kidding!